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Hundred Stories of Hadhrat Faatimah
Hundred Stories of Hadhrat Faatimah
The book before you is a selection of a hundred stories taken from the life of the queen of Jannat, Hadhrat Fatimah. Her life tells a tale of respect, sincerity, piety, contentment, simplicity, generosity, compassion towards man, obedience to Rasulullaah, and an ardent desire to please Allaah. In essence, her life is all-encompassing, providing lessons for Muslims in every aspect of life. If women today will adopt the lifestyle of Hadhrat Fatimah, they will most certainly attain success in this world as well as the Aakhirah. This book will help one to understand the importance of following the blessed Sunnat. It describes the character, personality, piety, and acts of this great Sahabiyyah who was a living model of Islam. Her advice should be adhered to with concern and sincerity.